Editorial Team
Dr. Prossy Wamanga (Ph.D.)
- Scientific officer, Uganda Virus Research Institute- EPI Laboratory
- Email: pnamuwulya@uvri.go.ug
Dr. Kiyingi Frank Pio (Ph.D.)
- Senior Lecturer, Counselling Psychologist.
- Academic Registrar, Nkumba University.
- Email: frank.kiyingi@sjhresearchafrica.org
Dr. Ronald Bahati (Ph.D.)
- Lecturer, Bishop Stuart University
- Email: rbahati@bsu.ac.ug
Dr. Christopher Ddamulira (Ph.D.)
- A senior Scientist, Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST)
- Email: christopher.ddamulira@sjhresearchafrica.org
Dr. Daniel Bwogere (MD, Ph.D.)
- Lecturer, Faculty of Health Sciences - University of Kisubi.
- Email: daniel.bwogere@sjhresearchafrica.org
Dr. Christopher Waako (MD. MSc)
- General Practitioner at Mulago National Referral Hospital.
- Senior Lecturer- Clarke International University
- Email: cwaako@ciu.ac.ug
Ms. Jane Kasozi Namagga ( MNSc, BNS, RN)
- Lecturer, Faculty of Medicine- Mbarara University of Science and Technology.
- Email: jkasozi@must.ac.ug
Mr. Ndhego Ramadhan (Msc)
- Principal, Department of Laboratory Sciences - St. Elizabeth’s Institute of Health Professionals.
- Email: ramadhan.ndhego@sjhresearchafrica.org
Mr. Arthur Namara (MSc)
- Research Scientist, MRC/UVRI, and LSHTM Uganda Research Unit.
- Email: Arthur.Namara@mrcuganda.org